Below is a summary of the youth ministries provided within our church walls and throughout the community of Platte. There are amazing opportunities to grow your faith, build your knowledge, and deepen your friendships. Don’t waste time, check out one of these this week!

Sunday School

Come to Junior High Sunday school which starts at 9:30am.

Come to High School Sunday school which starts at 9:30am located in the parsonage house (aka. Pastor's house)

FRC Senior High Youth

FRC Senior High Youth (9th-12th grade) meets once a month. Join us for fellowship while we depend our friendship and our relationship with Jesus.

Every WEDNESDAY join us for Lunch from 11:50-12:25pm as we feed you and have fellowship time together!

FRC Junior High Youth

FRC Junior High (grades 6th-8th) meet every second Sunday of the month. We start off with having a lesson, conversations, and end with tons of games. Come and build a culture with your classmates at FRC.

Community Junior High Youth Group

Gathering Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at the Platte Christian Reformed Church. Start off playing games with friends, then gather together to praise God. Learn a lesson based on a scripture passage, and gather in groups of 5-10 with a mentor to discuss the lesson. These small groups provide a warm, welcome environment to share and encourage one another. Grades 6th through 8th are welcome.

Community Senior High Youth Group

Trinity Lutheran Church hosts a youth group for high school students starting at 7:00pm on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Spend time in praise, listen to a speaker apply scripture to relevant topics. Split off into small, age-based groups and share what's going on in life as well as how the message applies to your life.


All boys grade school aged 4-7 are invited to join the Platte Cadet Club. Cadets is a Christian ministry for boys geared toward their mental, social, physical and spiritual development. Cadets participate in club exploration activities, individual merit badges, service projects, Bible lessons and games in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. We meet at New Hope Christian Camp 3 miles south of Platte on most Wednesday evenings throughout the school year from 7:00-9:00 pm, beginning Sept. 30. Contact Darrel Kraayenbrink or any Cadet counselor for more information.

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